How to Prevent Hair Fall During Winter

How to Prevent Hair Fall During Winter

Someone rightly said, “During winter months you should treat your hair like cashmere wool”. Do not be harsh on it. Avoid heat treatments and use of caustic chemical. Hair is a fiber and deserves gentle care. Be gently with your hair as you would be with your Pashmina.

Symptoms that’re Wake-up Calls

Hair fall is a common problem during winters – genders notwithstanding. If you notice that your hair looks like straw, becomes static, there are split ends, and you notice your parting getting wider, your pillow in the morning is full of fallen strands, or bald patches are appearing…these are some of the symptoms that suggest you should go and see a dermatologist instead of surfing the net and wasting your time on following remedies that are not meant for your hair type.

When you begin to notice hair fall in excess, you should also pay attention whether it’s breaking off because it has become dry or falling off from root. As winters are dry months, sometimes hair tends to lose moisture, and is it also often covered; it becomes brittle and thus breaks off. You can deal with these winter hair fall problems provided you decide to see a specialist on time.

Visit a Dermatologist

It is important to treat your hair gently, more so during winter months, more so if you have fragile hair As fragile hair requires extra-careful treatment. Don’t blindly follow home remedies without knowledge. What worked on another person may not work on you. Every one’s hair type is different. A dermatologist is the right person to examine and evaluate your hair condition, understand the extent of damage and suggest treatment that will solve the problem.

A dermatologist will guide and suggest the right way to provide protein and nourishment to your crowing glory during winters and the right way to take best care of it. S/he’ll get to the root of your hair fall problem, whether your hair is falling because of dry scalp or are you deficient in vitamins, or there is some other underlying cause for your hair fall. After examining, the dermatologist may prescribe a combination of treatments that may include home care routine, changes in diet, medication, supplements, and treatments if required to provide strength to your follicles to control hair fall.

Special Shampoo, Conditioner, Scalp nourishing Oils

To prevent hair fall during winter season you should keep your hair well hydrated and moisturized all the time. A dermatologist may suggest using deep conditioning mask or steering clear of heat stylings, or at least spacing them out a bit more during winters. S/he may advise you to use specific shampoo, conditioner, hair styling products, and intensive hair and scalp ampules to protect and strengthen your hair.

Say No to Rubber Bands, Use Wide hair Brush

The harsh winter can play havoc on your hair and you may be advised against using rubber bands as they are a big no-no for weak strands as they can pull them easily out of follicle, worsening the condition. Likewise using hair brush on wet hair is also not recommended. You should use wide-tooth brush with smooth-coated prongs spaced wide apart.

Take Your Vitamins

Your doctor may prescribe supplements and vitamins to bring down breakage and make the hair appear fuller.
If you’re also struggling with hair fall problems see a dermatologist to keep your hair looking healthy during winters. Get to know about all the advanced safe and effective hair fall therapies and treatments that can work on you.